Nature Inspired Guided Free Write
If you’re writing from home and finding it difficult to get into the swing of writing during isolation (like me!) then a guided free write can be a great place to start. There are no rules in a free write except not to edit what you have written until after the free write is over and to go with each phrase as it comes up, incorporating it into your writing. Be open and see where the writing takes you! You can either scroll down each time you want a new prompt or set a timer on your phone for a minute or two.
To start off:
Somewhere that never leaves me
The scent of manure
The hottest day of the year
The last butterfly
I remember
Ice age
Forgotten creatures
I come from
If you enjoyed and want to share your work I’d love to see what you wrote in the comments! Another way to do a guided free write at home is to select an article/page of a book and close your eyes to point at a random word with your finger every couple of minutes. Use a timer on your phone to move yourself along. Happy writing!