Writer. Poet. Facilitator.

About me


I am a creative writer and facilitator working across poetry and prose. I am particularly interested in embodiment, different ways of looking at nature and how who we are impacts our relationship with the environment. I also love writing about and through pop culture - in general, I’m drawn to the everyday, the domestic and the overlooked. My work has been shortlisted for the Nan Shepherd Prize and the Penguin Write Now scheme.

My background in social research, particularly Gender Studies and public health, is something I actively use in my creative practice. It informs my way of seeing and how I work with people, using my active listening skills from my expertise in qualitative research, often on sensitive topics.

I am passionate about making creative writing truly accessible and am co-founder of the Writing Happiness project with Rachel Lewis. I love running workshops, particularly on nature writing and writing and mental health, and working with and for communities. Please do reach out if you would like to commission me or book me to run a workshop! I’d love to hear from you.





Upcoming Events and Workshops

Please sign up to my newsletter for all details of future workshops or follow me at @elspethwriter on Twitter or @elspethwrites on Instagram and Tiktok!